I actually got these off amazon too (link below). I later bought bigger piping bags and a Wilton 2A and 1A tip to see which I like the best. Still debating on which tip but have been using the 1A. These sheets work great I have some other I got off amazon bet they have been causing some lopsided ones. Silicone Baking Mats, JSDOIN of 2 Half Sheet Silicone Baking Mats, 12 Piping Tip, 2 Piping Bag and 2 Bag Tie - Reusable Nonstick Liners for Food Safe Baking Mat Kit(16"x11.8") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CBYLL9M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_zhe.Fb14KBKYT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1