The 256GB high endurance model. This one specifically:
When it comes to reviews, they tend to skew negative as unless someone is really impressed they're not too likely to post one unless they had a bad experience.
I see what you are saying but the cams REALLY skew negative. Most are in the 60% and some in the
For example, this SanDisk has good ratings
So like this one maybe? I'd only want it for like 1 or 2 Windows games\_1\_3?crid=173Z5ANSO6IZ4&keywords=high%2Bendurance%2Bmicro%2Bsd&qid=1661536748&sprefix=high%2Bendurance%2Bmicro%2Bs%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-3&th=1
Hey Cyndagon!
I went with this one
With a 256 GB endurance card.
I'm pretty happy with it so far, but the rear camera (mounted on an acrylic wind screen) shakes a lot. I figure its mainly used for idiots rear ending you, so the video while moving probably isn't as important on the rear cam. The front cam is super sharp.