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dwright1542 /r/Generator
1 point
1970-01-20 04:27:56.026 +0000 UTC

Ok So no NG. The nice thing about 20lb BBQ or 40lb propane tanks is they NEVER go bad, and you don't have to worry about float bowl / carb mess, no spills, etc. And a 20lb tank is really no bigger than a 5 gallon gas tank.

I'd always keep a surge suppressor on any electronics, coming from a gen or utility.

I'm interested to know where you read conflicting info on electronics. But ok.

240V puts you into a larger unit, and you'll have to have an inlet and an interlock on your panel minimum. Can you handle the interlock part, or would you need an electrician? If not, tack on another $500 plus wire.

Getting 240V dual fuel is even more limiting, and you're going to get pricy.

Genmax makes one: https://www.amazon.com/GENMAX-Generator-Lightweight-Compliant-GM6000iED/dp/B09Q5V6ZDL/ref=asc_df_B09Q5V6ZDL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=563570876394&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1626048632741201013&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007464&hvtargid=pla-1650917738836&psc=1

240V dual fuel non-inverter is easy and much cheaper.


You could always run a UPS and turn the sensitivity way down if you're worried about the computer. If anything the $50 UPS gets fried. Honestly, I'm an IT guy and run 2500W of server equipment on a NG standard generator and have never had an issue.