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1 comment of this product found across Reddit:
Pristine-Brief-3825 /r/4Runner
3 points
1970-01-20 04:27:50.078 +0000 UTC

This step is the best thing I’ve purchased off Amazon. Sturdy, you can step on with both feet, easy to reach entire roof, and less expensive than a widdle wadder: https://www.amazon.com/Extra-Foldable-Universal-Track-Black/dp/B098TDFCRF/ref=sr_1_30?crid=C28K70HWPYEG&keywords=4Runner%2Bstep%2Bon%2Bdoor%2Bhinge&qid=1657669812&sprefix=4runner%2Bstep%2Bon%2Bdoor%2Bhinge%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-30&th=1