TuxMat Custom Floor Mats for Kia Telluride 7-Seater 2020-2022 Models - Max Coverage, All Weather, Laser Measured - Full Set Includes Front & Rear Rows https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08VDXPF2W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_K8X4XS0ASS7X5R19MY9W
Cool, glad it was there! I picked up one of the last 23s, so I'm curious if all they really changed with the 24 is the color of the daytime running lights like everyone is saying. Sounds like that's still true.
Not light-up, but I ended up getting these to give the cup holders a little pop: https://www.amazon.com/auovo-Compatible-Telluride-Accessories-Decoration/dp/B0BVVCRC4Y/
They make USB lights for the center front console too if you want more lighting: https://www.amazon.com/Lipctine-Interior-Atmosphere-Decoration-Lighting/dp/B07SNDW3HN/
Unrelated, but it wouldn't be a telluride thread if I didn't +1 the tuxmat floor mats, too: https://www.amazon.com/TuxMat-Telluride-7-Seater-2020-2022-Models/dp/B08VDXPF2W
Welcome to the club!