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1 comment of this product found across Reddit:
jesstrainsdogs /r/service_dogs
3 points
1970-01-19 14:41:27.143 +0000 UTC

Here’s some of my favorites Patience and love Braverhund Dino Dog Gear Sew What Co custom canine designs Dino and P&L are very affordable. Sew what does spectacular embroidery. Custom canine designs makes great mobility harnesses I absolutely adore Braverhunds products. I have a few more if you’d like other recommendations. Oh and Unicocane is amazing too

Edit [ice fang tactical www.amazon.com/dp/B081VKP7RG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DDx2FbGZ0YC1K?psc=1 is by fav my favorite tactical vest for the price and quality compared to onetigris the clips are more durable. Plus you get the slick cobra clips.