I doubt you'll even take this seriously, but I use these sony earbuds.
Got them for $5 at Best Buy after I ripped the cable on my Beats (don't judge me, I didn't buy them). The design of the earbud is great because it prevents them from being ripped out of my hear when I slip my helmet on. They also isolate decently well, have very low wind noise because of the thin cable, and best of all I don't give a fuck if I ruin them.
I use something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDREX10LP-BLK-In-Ear-Headphones/dp/B004XXQI1U/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1398142040&sr=8-16&keywords=sony+noise+cancelling+earbuds
they do a good job.