I’d rather supplements to take like either gummies or pills. I am considering elm and rhy or this https://www.amazon.com/Curve-Horny-Goat-Weed-Women/dp/B0BLZL1PCC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=23SGYXWOCOTIO&keywords=horny+goat+weed+and+maca+for+women&qid=1679925855&sprefix=horny+goat+weed+and+maca+for+women%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-4 but I’m not sure if it’s helps low libido exactly. It does have the similar ingredients that Ed and Rhy have
I see this product https://www.amazon.com/Curve-Horny-Goat-Weed-Women/dp/B0BLZL1PCC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=23SGYXWOCOTIO&keywords=horny+goat+weed+and+maca+for+women&qid=1679925855&sprefix=horny+goat+weed+and+maca+for+women%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-4 that has both maca and horny goat weed along with other supplements as well. It seems to mainly be marketed as a way to get a fuller figure. Do you think this would work better than elm and rhys for my libido?