I have an Alphasmart Neo2 that I use regularly, but YMMV with a 3000. I use the following mods that might help you.
Here's a link to the images: https://imgur.com/a/890OFRs
First, I started using it on this MindReader lapdesk. It makes it comfortable to type on no matter the surface, and helps even if I bring the whole thing over onto a tabletop. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XPX2DBL/
Second, I upgraded the feet. I tried fixing them with silicone that I cut to fit but it didn't work well enough and the feet slot are so small and narrow that I just didn't feel like they provided enough grip. So, I took these silicone bumpers (the large square ones) by Amazon Basics and used them as a row of feet where the slits for the old ones are. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087MG3G76/
Third, I purchased this neat tool. I was using a weird triangular ruler from Target but this works so much better. It has three angles you can choose from and it can also be used as a ruler or a storage tool for an Apple Pen or whatever. It's intended for laptops, tablets, and bluetooth keyboards, but it works great for this. The pictures show the side I have facing up when I use it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B6ZQ7XX6/
I hope this helps.
Just something to lift up your computer over your lap.
I use this one currently. I sometimes even put it on a pillow to make it higher so I don’t have to crane my back down too much: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Reader-LTADJUST-BLK-Adjustable-Portable/dp/B06XPX2DBL/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=lap+desk&qid=1629811383&sr=8-10
Here’s one that I’m looking to buy, it seems like it’s better for lying down : https://aax-us-east.amazon-adsystem.com/x/c/QpxJehXJEVTauDxGNsT9WIoAAAF7eFQdqAEAAAH2AY6KN5E/https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08T5YBJH1?pd_rd_i=B08T5YBJH1&pd_rd_w=LfsN5&pf_rd_p=c948d1c4-2ace-4ebe-b463-b35b878b8e34&pd_rd_wg=IsbD2&pf_rd_r=MMXXSH7J0510K74BA1T6&pd_rd_r=10967331-bb28-42ff-a417-b9f63f122cbc