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None+jfa4fctKKk4A /r/lightingdesign
1 point
1970-01-18 21:15:12.816 +0000 UTC

Getting and learning the Dot2 would be most beneficial to your students in access to a semi-pro software...not a cheap DJ controller. It outputs a free universe of DMX with a Artnet or sACN node. So your only investment would be in a Windows laptop and the node to convert Ethernet to 5pin XLR DMX to plug into your lights.

Here is a inexpensive artnet node to accomplish this with. https://www.amazon.com/70405-Ethernet-Lighting-Controller-Interface/dp/B072XY2PGV/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1545312611&sr=8-10-spons&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=artnet+node&psc=1

This also has remote in so you could even get as crazy as taking a basic DMX controller with faders and map the faders to faders in the software.

If you want to invest in your kids, this is a great software option that tails on the most main stream pro console. Also, tons of free learning resources, free 3D visualizer, and any of your kids can download this and play at home if they have a windows Machine.

Gravy on top...art net is a open protocol most lighting software will have an option to use it so if you do change your mind to a different software, you can use same hardware.