I love this SO MUCH! Absolutely hilarious to me. Those dinosaur earrings are too funny! I wonder if these models ever stumble across these strange ads lol.
This Wishing Well has been delightfully photoshopped into the garden lol.
This Valentine's Day Tinsel thats in my holiday list Really knows how to party. lol
This Underskirt in my photoshoot clothing list is impressively shopped too. lol
Not in my list (because its a total scam and they don't exist in real life lol): These Blue And White Striped Roses always crack me up. There are dozens of pages trying to sell them, or rainbow roses, etc from seed. This is not a thing. They do not exist and it does not work that way. lol. Another One- Rainbow
I notice this all the time and it always cracks me up! I'm getting a lot of entertainment in these comments.
u/doctorsalamander do you get a kick out of photoshopped things?