I have used Opsite Flexifix for several years. It comes in a roll, and you do have to cut your own, but it is completely waterproof, like Tegaderm. One roll has lasted me over a year, about $14.00 American, so sorry, the Amazon link is https://www.amazon.com/Opsite-Flexifix-Transparent-Dress-10-9Yd/dp/B0070P81CW/ref=sr_1_2?crid=S5E0O3AF3UYV&dchild=1&keywords=opsite+flexifix&qid=1612981464&sprefix=posit%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-2. It works even better if you use the Skin Tac adhesive in the bottle underneath, but it's not necessary. I can hold a G6 in place for 20 days.