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ExciKaiser /r/Surface
1 point
1970-01-20 09:09:31.249 +0000 UTC

You can buy replacement tips, either officials https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Surface-Pen-Tip-Kit/dp/B0756L98FM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1RC2CTBP57MIO&keywords=surface+pen+tip&qid=1674571023&sprefix=surface+pen+tip%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-3 or generic https://www.amazon.com/MoKo-Surface-Replacement-Compatible-Original/dp/B08CZKDXV8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1RC2CTBP57MIO&keywords=surface%2Bpen%2Btip&qid=1674571023&sprefix=surface%2Bpen%2Btip%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-4&th=1 (abeit I got some quality issues with generic)

I change them regularly on my end, probably used around 6 or 7 tips.

It's not a quality issue, probably my way to draw, it's the same with my wacom tips, I use them a lot.