It’s a little extra work, but I get these. I then cut about 2-3ish inches of the narrower part of the crotch out (usually most of the area with the crotch lining and some of the front part of the panty since the idea is to make the “holding” area wider, but ensuring that the leg holes are still reasonably wide enough), then stitch the two ends back together. They are cheap, the fabric is sturdy, and thanks to the elastic they provide a great hold to keep my extra bits from slipping out the sides. Start to finish it takes me about 15-20 minutes per pair to do by hand since I’m still hopeless with the sewing machine, but I usually do them in bed while watching TV. In terms of inexpensive panties for daily wear that still provides clean lines and a nice hold, this is by far the best option I’ve found.
Oh, since doing a round stitch leaves a bit of a bump, I see it with the seam on the outside of the panties so that it doesn’t irritate the tip... If you did a flat stitch with a machine it would likely look much better and probably go quicker.
As a side note, mostly for the other ladies, their thongs work well too when you do the same thing except taking out the narrow portion starting in the middle and going back instead. Again, making sure that there is enough room in the leg holes and making the “holding” area wide enough to accommodate your bits.
Hope this helps!
Edit: This brand works as well. I have used both with great results. And make sure to get the full coverage ones to ensure that there is enough fabric to cut away!