So the SD on the DVDs is technically lower quality. (SD vs. HD.) But as you mentioned, the remaster is awful. I bought the Chosen collection, which was produced before the remaster I believe, so I prefer that especially with the lighting and keeping it in the original dimensions. This is it: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Chosen Collection (Can’t believe how expensive it is!)
Just a heads up, this is the Buffy 39-disc 2010 set, NOT "The Chosen Collection" (40-disc 2005 set) which includes a bonus disc but is otherwise exactly the same (except for the different box).
Also, Netflix US shows seasons 1-3 in 4:3 and 4-7 in 16:9 widescreen, whereas the US boxed sets (both Chosen and standard) are 4:3 as they were originally aired.
"When the Region 1 DVDs were released, Joss Whedon decided that they should not have the widescreen version, because the show was directed and filmed for a 4:3 ratio. The extra material in the widescreen versions is never important for the plot, although it gives additional views of the sets and backgrounds."
The Angel set is less convoluted.
All these sets are Region 1, US/Canada.
editxx: That said, it's still an AWESOME deal, and worth getting even without the 40th bonus disc.