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LightSpeedYT /r/lgg6
0 points
1970-01-18 23:46:22.837 +0000 UTC

just to be clear: so this battery is not new, but used? https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Android/LG-G6-Replacement-Battery/IF303-090?o=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1pblBRDSARIsACfUG126WoyMraXI_dQpMQHe_l8WYMyxVNEXWCb0A75EFiAFyJ7qWM1k3f8aAhnaEALw_wcB

what about this one? LG G6 Battery, Euhan 3500mAh Li-Polymer Battery BL-T32 Replacement for LG G6 (H870 H871 H872 LS993 VS998) with Repair Screwdriver Tools | G6 Battery Replacement Kit [24 Month Warranty] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J4P16BW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_F.FPCb68QCGSX