I just did this for a G4 Power Mac (Sawtooth). I bought an Addonics IDE to SATA converter from OWC Macsales, but it proved to be defective. I wasted a crap-ton of time trying to figure out what was wrong and they charged me for return shipping and also for shipping to me. I complained and complained and finally found a friend who sent my complaint to the CEO. Finally they refunded me the entire amount and my return shipping, but it was a BAD experience. I bought what looked like the exact same thing on Amazon for less (went with OWC in the first place due to their "good" customer and technical support but both were not good) and this one from Amazon worked just fine, immediately. Remember to partition your new SATA drive or SSD to Apple Partition Map and set the jumper on the converter to master if it is the only drive. StarTech.com IDE to SATA Hard Drive or Optical Drive Adapter Converter - 40-Pin PATA to 2.5" SATA HDD / SSD / ODD Converter (IDE2SAT2) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EOJNGC2/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Greetings! I ended up picking up a different adapter. I linked it here but I'll edit the main post. It's supposed to show up tomorrow so I can edit the post again once I get it and test it but this one has actual Master/Slave/Cable select jumpers on it where the Kingwins one I bought did not.