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Some less obvious ones:
- A set of these (or the like). Dining at "work" today? Extra stack of papers? Comes in very handy.
- A window, or one of these. Must-have. Gotta relax the mind.
- A desk lamp. Multiple sources of light, especially around / behind your monitor are very helpful if you're working on a screen all day.
- Bluetooth peripherals. Don't be typing on your laptop, then you're looking at your laptop screen all the time and hunching over. Along with a nice screen, get a decent keyboard and mouse/trackpad/ball/whatever and use your laptop as your secondary monitor.
- Pomodoro timer. Stasis is a challenge for WFHers. Set a timer and get up and move around every 30 mins or so. Do a couple minutes of straightening up, go to the kitchen and fix a drink or snack, take a jog or a walk, call a friend and chat (also very important for WFHers), etc.