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Both_Interest_4498 /r/aviationmaintenance
1 point
1970-01-20 12:02:53.017 +0000 UTC

I have the Engineer brand, they are the manufacturer of Vampliers. Made in Japan, $18. No need for high dollar ones. You’ll see this with a lot of brands. Vim Tools makes stuff for Snap On and Mac, same with Lang. Coworker found the second set you linked for $30ish in an aircraft. Recently the tip did cleanly snap off. Like said these are 90% of the time for flush cutting zip ties. Maybe thin wire. My engineers have been used also for gently pulling tails off from drilling out rivets and such. Not sure how much of that everyone does tho.

My DOM has the Snap On ax583 flush cuts. Work great but the cost, so Engineer is just as good and he uses mine half the time because it can’t find his (at home).


Edit: these are actually micro nippers, nice small size for flush cutting