Yes! I was in the same situation, trying to come up with a small but effective system in college, and in a small apartment.
My design was based halfway off of what I'd seen from Jeb Gardener on YouTube, and the other half just what I could throw together with what I had lying around. Jeb is a little... well... interesting, but very informative.
Basically, what I did was get a 10-gallon flat stacker tote from Walmart, drill holes in it, put net pots in, clay pebbles, and rock wool cubes, and now I have a garden! It's really tough to describe all of the little intricacies with it, but this community has helped me out tremendously. By no means is my system perfect, and in fact, it's super Jerry Rigged and super jank, but it works! This whole process has been a great learning experience. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in this community, or if you want to hear more about my system, feel free to DM me! Here are some photos!
Here are the various things I bought off Amazon to get me started!
pH meter (not available on Amazon anymore)
air stones (these seem to do a fine job. Not the best certainly, but they work.)
net pots (these work fine. Nothing special.)
EDIT: Added links to Amazon