I'm actually leaning towards the Hori at this point. One more set of questions, if you don't mind. I don't want to eat up more of your time.
In your opinion, how does the Hori compare to this? (https://www.amazon.com/PS4-compatible-Real-Arcade-Pro-V-HAYABUSA/dp/B017QORK7I/ref=pd_sbs_63_5?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B017QORK7I&pd_rd_r=GPBDXHK5KPK3ZMXBXXS4&pd_rd_w=Jhc8X&pd_rd_wg=iwqBK&psc=1&refRID=GPBDXHK5KPK3ZMXBXXS4)
Second, yay or nay on the Sanwa Octagon Plate?
Ah ok. Well if PC and ps4/ps3 are going to be mainly where you are going to be playing on then i would go for the Hrap 4 kai or Hrap V Hayabusa since they work ps3/ps4 and pc(xinput).
I have the qanba q1 that i swapped out with sanwa parts myself but it is the xbox 360 version and i use it for games/emulators on pc and it works with no issues.
I dont think any stick manufacturers will be making any ps4/ps3/360/xbox 1 compatible sticks anytime soon since fighting games arent getting many releases on xbox one.