I got these and they fit 1U sideways: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IJ2J2K0/
No, thank you! That’s why I posted! If I’m spending $500 on a set up it better be amazing! I swapped out the fan for [this one](www.amazon.com/dp/B00IJ2J2K0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_EHAYV3BNG3SEDHMT8BR3)
But not sure what set of the barrina lights to get! There are a few options. I want them for my baby monsteras and pink princess philo
I use these ones. They seem to work pretty good.
I am using this one: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IJ2J2K0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Which is a double fan on a single usb power cable with adjustable speed. If you are doing a smaller stack you might get a single instead. I really like this fan though - search AC Infinity on Amazon and you should get some good results.
Not easily, but I can point you to what I'm using:
If I knew for certain that two of the fans (1, above) would work as well as, or better than, using both 1 and 2, then I'd have gone down that direction.
What I'm doing works well, but I'd prefer to:
That's why I'm exploring water-cooled systems designed for smartphones, like this one that I ordered last night, and another type of fan that connects magnetically to an iPad. (I'm not sure that it would work with a Surface, but it's inexpensive and looks cool, so I thought I'd give it a shot.)
Hopefully some combination of what I have and the above will enable me to achieve cooling at least as good as what I have now, ideally with nothing that needs to be attached via an adhesive to the back of the Surface, and with much lower noise.
I hope this helps.
These are probably too big but this is almost a complete solution for you
Hey there. Had a similar issue with my x7 gets really hot to the touch at bottom of the amp. So i found a cheap and great solution that keeps the x7 cool to the touch for hours. Here is the link hope it helps and saves your investment. https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-MULTIFAN-Receiver-Playstation/dp/B00IJ2J2K0