I’ve used a ThermoPro TP19H for a year or two with no difficulties. $17.99 USD at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/ThermoPro-Thermometer-Grilling-Waterproof-Ambidextrous/dp/B07XXSYLL8/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2OKP077M2D9LU&keywords=thermopro+meat+thermometer&qid=1660381560&sprefix=thermop%2Caps%2C318&sr=8-3
Get a meat thermometer like this one and you will never again have to question if your chicken or any other meat is undercooked. It's got a pretty nice feature set for being under $20, it's accurate, measures temps quickly, and has a magnet on it so you can stick it to your fridge and never have to go searching for it when you need it.