Finally after sacrificing a ton of time, Mickeyangelo is out on Amazon! Had an offer from an indie publisher but I needed the book printed quicker so I chose Amazon in the end.
Price wise it should cost the same for you. Even when I set my profits to zero it's still expensive. So use the free version haha, it will be free forever on Webtoons.
There's a funny story behind this book. I had to hire a freelancer because I'm bad at technology and I dunno how to upload to Amazon. Was super stressful but in the end I had to learn how and teach the freelancer haha and he thank me.\_1\_3?crid=1D39PLVBA83FE&keywords=littlepinkpebble&qid=1663228866&sprefix=littlepinkpebbl%2Caps%2C422&sr=8-3
Finally after sacrificing a ton of time, Mickeyangelo is out on Amazon! Had an offer from an indie publisher but I needed the book printed quicker so I chose Amazon in the end.
Price wise it should cost the same for you. Even when I set my profits to zero it's still expensive. So use the free version haha, it will be free forever on Webtoons.
There's a funny story behind this book. I had to hire a freelancer because I'm bad at technology and I dunno how to upload to Amazon. Was super stressful but in the end I had to learn how and teach the freelancer haha and he thank me.\_1\_3?crid=1D39PLVBA83FE&keywords=littlepinkpebble&qid=1663228866&sprefix=littlepinkpebbl%2Caps%2C422&sr=8-3
Finally after sacrificing a ton of time, Mickeyangelo is out on Amazon! Had an offer from an indie publisher but I needed the book printed quicker so I chose Amazon in the end.
Price wise it should cost the same for you. Even when I set my profits to zero it's still expensive. So use the free version haha, it will be free forever on Webtoons.
There's a funny story behind this book. I had to hire a freelancer because I'm bad at technology and I dunno how to upload to Amazon. Was super stressful but in the end I had to learn how and teach the freelancer haha and he thank me.\_1\_3?crid=1D39PLVBA83FE&keywords=littlepinkpebble&qid=1663228866&sprefix=littlepinkpebbl%2Caps%2C422&sr=8-3