I'm so sorry but neither are big enough. Even if they're only sleeping in them, I did find this one for you. I'm sorry if it's too big for your living space but I guess you'll have to make do.
Get this one so you provide them with plenty of space & can divide them up if ever necessary. It’s a little pricey but this cage is awesome.
Amazon is a great way to go, you can look at pet/bird stores but usually they don’t have the best ones for your little budgie, you’ll want a large and spacious one such as these that I found on Amazon Bird cage or one like This or if you want to keep them apart you could buy multiple ones like this Cage Hope it helped!Good luck to you!
Check Amazon for new cages, Craigslist for used. Two that I have bookmarked for a future upgrade are:
Prevue Hendryx Flight Cage: https://www.amazon.com/Prevue-Hendryx-F050-Products-Hammertone/dp/B0002AQ228/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3G8IBF9ACRFJ6&keywords=prevue+hendryx+flight+cage&qid=1639538568&sprefix=prevue+hendryx+flight%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-3
Pawhut double cage (divider can be removed to make it a nice horizontal cage): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BZH7QQP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share