ok your TV Fool report is innacurate
try your www.Rabbitears.info Report
based on your rabbitears report
if you are not in a valley or have a large hill or mountain between you and the broadcast towers located 4 miles away at 345deg true... not magnetic..
then you should install a large yagi antenna
the problem I see is that all of the towers out of COEUR D'ALENE are pointing west and southwest
If you are east of those towers then reception could be bad
If you are west of those towers you could have really great reception.
This is where your towers are
they are on the red and the white building
find your home relative to those towers...
the antennas on those towers are pointing west and southwest
if you are near and to the west.. then try a small tv antenna on your tv
if you are to the east or the north
you will need a large tv antenna and possibly an amp
and you will want to get the antenna as high as you can on your roof
however if you are only 4 miles away... give the amazon basic antenna a try
these maps and technical data are often wrong for many reasons
if you are 4 miles away and not in a valley or even in a valley crap give the $10 antenna a try you might get everything and not have to climb on your roof