This is the one I bought, it's unavailable on Amazon, unless you get the 256GB version.
Windows boots from cold to lock screen in less than 8 seconds with fast boot, and around 13-14 seconds with fast boot off.
I ran CDM, here's the results:
CrystalDiskMark 5.1.2 x64 (C) 2007-2016 hiyohiyo
KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes
Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) : 327.841 MB/s
Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) : 79.623 MB/s
Random Read 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) : 110.350 MB/s [ 26940.9 IOPS]
Random Write 4KiB (Q= 32,T= 1) : 58.043 MB/s [ 14170.7 IOPS]
Sequential Read (T= 1) : 391.785 MB/s
Sequential Write (T= 1) : 105.476 MB/s
Random Read 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) : 16.020 MB/s [ 3911.1 IOPS]
Random Write 4KiB (Q= 1,T= 1) : 41.156 MB/s [ 10047.9 IOPS]
Test : 1024 MiB [C: 31.2% (34.7/111.2 GiB)] (x5) [Interval=5 sec] Date : 2016/10/03 11:42:23 OS : Windows 10 Professional [10.0 Build 14393] (x64)