As I say, I've been using a drink which claims to help with electrolytes.
But it has a huge number of calories (in added sugar); so I wonder whether that sweetness (to make the drink taste better) is doing more harm than good.
Is there any accepted set of recommended quantities… of sodium, potassium etc, which are necessary to set a 70 year old's body back in balance after a nearly five mile run, please?
And if so, do brands like Ultima and Nuun do a better job of replenishment?
Thanks again, u/dogsetcetera :-)
I hear you on snacks that last longer. Until I got the advice for which I'm so grateful here, I had two reasons to be reluctant to eat a midday 'meal' (even a little one):
Why does it appear as though that breakfast is having such a short-lived effect?
Have bookmarked/wishlisted Tactical Hydration, thank you.
Definitely done with high-calorie options like my previous one. But isn't there an inconsistency there: if it's calories I need after a run, wouldn't you expect Skratch to help more than a substance which is low in calories?
I could avoid sodium - but, again: maybe I'm confused - aren't I trying to replenish salts?