within your budget is this decent ASUS VivoBook which easily ticks all your boxes and more. it comes with some great specs such as:
At $1000 I'd probably recommend the new Dell G7 with the 1050Ti.
I have a laptop with the MX150 and yes, the performance is notably lower than a 1050. The thing is, the MX150 is the only discrete GPU you can put in a slim laptop and not experience serious thermal throttling while gaming. There may be some exceptions in really well built laptops like the Surface Pro but they'll be really expensive.
While doing research for my current laptop, every review I saw on a slim laptop with a GTX 1050 complained about throttling. Examples are the Acer Spin 5 and Asus VivoBook.
The reason why gaming laptops are bulky is that you need good cooling. And you definitely need it.