That's an interesting situation. If you are wanting to get all the major networks then you'll need a proper antenna with a preamp pointed at 125° and I don't think you need to worry about the channels at 299° because those will be picked up anyway. That VHF low channel (NBC) is going to be a challenge but you can probably do it.
Unfortunately VHF low is a very long wavelength meaning the antennas that receive it are large. This is probably the best one I know of for picking up VHF Low from 50 miles away and slightly below a ridge. I am using a Winegard preamp to get channels from 52 miles away and just below a ridge. You might want the Channel Master preamp because it has a button for low amplification or high. I'm worried that straight high amplification will swamp the stations that are close to you.
edit: If you just want the stations close to you literally anything will work. There's a Clearstream you can get from Walmart or Amazon that will work. Rabbit ears stuffed behind the TV would probably work fine too. If you want all the majors then see above.