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1 comment of this product found across Reddit:
IOI-65536 /r/castiron
2 points
1970-01-20 10:01:28.885 +0000 UTC

This is totally outside this sub, but it's worth considering this one: https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Heater-Buddy-Hose-Assembly/dp/B001CFWF5U/ref=sr_1_3?crid=257SMOKC4WFL&keywords=F273704&qid=1677688687&sprefix=f273704%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-3&th=1

On a stove this doesn't matter at all because you're going to burn up any oils the gas picks up from the hose, but if you ever need to plug it into something that's not actually a flame (like the catalytic heater than hose was designed for) that hose is some composite oil-free material that doesn't leach oils into the line.