Yes, here goes. I'm keeping 2, because it's been way easier to dedicate one headset to a particular device than fumble with possibly switching connections while an app is ringing.
Keepers: Plantronics Voyager 5200 Reasonably comfortable, small, good connection. What sold me is when a customer svc rep from another store (talking for an unrelated matter) told me how good it was and told me Amazon's deal was better than their own. This one is connected to my mobile.
Truckers Bluetooth, around $45 Comfortable, good sound when tested, good connections; but doesn't support multi-device connectivity. I use this with my laptop. One downside, my voice is not returned thru the headset, so I can't hear myself in volume context, so I find myself talking louder than I probably have to.
Returns: huge, feels like it's slipping off my head all the time. Plantronics knockoff, which didn't bother me, but the connectivity was awful. upon testing, was told my voice was muffled very comfy, but didn't bother to test sound because, unbeknownst to me while ordering, the mic not only is detachable, it connects by wire, not bluetooth. Apparently somewhat common among gaming headsets, this setup doesn't work for me.
Hope this helps.