I would be grateful if you could get this for me. I would have gotten it myself by now, (despite it being an off brand of the kickstarter one), but high school students aren't exactly known for having any loose spending money... As for the national park facts, it blows my mind that Yellowstone is sitting stop a supervolcano, and we have NO idea if, or WHEN, it'll erupt!
I was just laid off this week at work and would really like one of these like the other redditor to deal and manage stress right now: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N3UN0QE/ref=pd_aw_sim_21_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1R0N1Y8A0YCTB175P2Q4
My favorite thing with a national park is the super volcano under Yellowstone. Were due for a earth changing eruption. My wife is a geologist by college and I would love to see some of the things she saw when she was a student.