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For_Eudaimonia /r/P90X
1 point
1970-01-17 09:51:13.633 +0000 UTC

Just so y'all know, the 50 lb power block set is also on sale for about $300. I have them. They're great, and I appreciate how little chance of mechanical error or failure there is in them.

Also, if you get more swole as time goes on, you can buy additional weight (up to 70 or 90 lbs) to fit your power block sets. Can't do that with the Bowflex.

bd35 /r/P90X
2 points
1970-01-19 02:04:52.624 +0000 UTC

I'm leaning towards Power Blocks. I see two options here and I'm slightly confused.

The PowerBlock Elite seems like it can be expandable and it is more compact. Its also cheaper. Amazon link

The PowerBlock Personal Trainer doesnt look like it can expand and that it is slightly larger. ITs also slightly more expensive. Amazon link

Why/how are the two models different? The Elite seems like the better choice here right? Is one model newer than the other? I feel like I'm missing something here.

jeremiah_parrack /r/Athleanx
1 point
1970-01-19 21:08:42.993 +0000 UTC

PowerBlock Elite Dumbbells https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G7RHGNY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FPJ5WSEDSDTYC67EMEKZ

Then buy the 70-90 expansion I can’t find it but here is a start 👍