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1 comment of this product found across Reddit:
Gregory85 /r/WiiHacks
1 point
1970-01-19 16:54:52.152 +0000 UTC

I have a https://www.amazon.com/Wii-Fighting-Stick-Nintendo/dp/B000SKLUXS/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3OZL1SGFZS5FX&dchild=1&keywords=wii+arcade+stick&qid=1616092029&sprefix=wii+arcade+%2Caps%2C291&sr=8-2. It works with nintendont because it plugs into a wiimote.

edit: i just looked at the price of these on ebay and amazon. forget it. I bought it dirt cheap years ago. I hope someone answers your question about the usb sticks you have