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Just-a-florida-mom /r/aerogarden
2 points
1970-01-20 07:30:25.059 +0000 UTC

Honestly. I got a fake aero garden about 2-3 weeks ago. Was very excited and started searching for more but also reading.

I wouldn't get the areo garden at all.

You could get the knock off I have.


I like it better than aero because it's slightly larger than the harvest but has a larger reservoir. I have a harvest slim also.

If money was no object I'd get the iHarvest unit with the extra row and side lights.

Grant you I'm still new to hydroponics but been gardening for too many years. Been researching Hydroponics non-stop for 3 weeks :)

BTW the aero garden seed pods will work in the MUFGA

Just-a-florida-mom /r/hydro
2 points
1970-01-20 08:33:56.987 +0000 UTC

I know i love the little sponges and holders like your link.

I also love the Lecca balls. https://www.amazon.com/Legigo-Expanded-Aggregate-Hydroponic-Aquaponics/dp/B09QM4NH2Q/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=KYT5R2UAR8HK&keywords=hydroton%2Bclay%2Bpebbles&qid=1672436540&sprefix=hydroton%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzOEFTSzhHRlcwTkM4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDEwNjEyMzNFQkREOE5TQkhPWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjY2MDM4MjIySUxIQkRBRVJSTyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1

Don't forget your container will need net cups. https://www.amazon.com/Hydroponic-Plastic-Slotted-Nursery-Hydroponics/dp/B08CGVL9FW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3RUX6R39QBSRV&keywords=net+cups&qid=1672436220&sprefix=net+cups%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-5

unless you get the sponge kit and drill small holes to fit the small white holders.

I also adore this kit. https://www.amazon.com/Blackout-Hydroponic-Container-Sprouting-Healthily/dp/B09ZXYK8J8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=SBU5ISKZBZSC&keywords=hydroponic+quart+mason&qid=1672436325&sprefix=hydroponic+quart+mason%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1

I can so I have a bunch of mason jars. But I also use it because I drilled 3 inch and 2 inch holes in my large tub. If I want to use one of my sponge white holders I can just use the black plastic ring to hold it.

Don't forget the toppers for 5 gallon buckets either.

I do the Kratky that one of the previous posters was talking about. It's great and no pump or air needed. I also have two fake aerogarden that I often use to start seeds for indoor or outdoor.


I'm a total newbie to hydroponics (2 months in) but I love it. I have gardened for a long time.

Start with lettuce if you like salads. Or Basil. These are some of the easiest things to grow and they grow fast so fun. I also have tomato (orange hat which stays very small). Tomato, black cherry which gets way too big but I knew that it would be a monster when I planted it. cucumber, jalapeno, red pepper, Yod Fah (a broccoli raab), radish, celery, basil, oregano, peppermint, majoram, kholrabi, 5 different lettuces, some sweet potato starts for spring, eggplant start, a pixie cabbage (only 5 in head).

Since I'm only 2 months in I have only taken, herbs, lettuce, celery leaves, radish and cucumber out of my hydro stuff so far. But tomorrow is Yod Fah stir fry and I have flowers on both peppers and tomatoes flowers.

About to start a new batch of seeds for lettuce and outdoor plantings.

Good luck you can do it!

Just-a-florida-mom /r/aerogarden
1 point
1970-01-20 08:56:33.046 +0000 UTC

I don't know if it is the cheapest comparable. But I really like my MUFGA. I paid $39.99
