I had a similar budget and I did my dd a while ago, this the one of the best models you can get at this budget https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BDGD2TZ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_4YK5TEBB9ZCAX6KXCWWC?psc=1 Ship it to Egypt and it will be delivered to your address, no need for a middle man just ship it direct through Amazon. BTW its price was 1129$ so use something like keep a to track the price and hunt it for 1129$ or less
So I decided to buy it for shits and grins. Sent the order through, but not even 30 minutes later, they cancelled it stating it was "out of stock". Amazon is issuing the refund, and I made a legit purchase of this one with essentially same specs, but only 1tb in used condition for 900$usd.