Well, let's see.
1: It's never lupus, vasculitis, or sarcoidosis.
2: Everybody lies, especially the terminally-ill patients who would easily have been cured, probably without any life-threatening consequences, had they told the truth from the beginning instead of forcing House and his team to perform multitudes of tests, employ
bizarre, dangerous, experimental diagnostic techniques, and break into people’s
3: Every main character has brown eyes, with the exceptions of House (Hugh Laurie) and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde), who both have the most arresting baby-blue eyes you've ever seen, with the exception of Alexandra Daddario.
4: Chase is an Australian pretty-boy; Foreman is black; Cameron is a bleeding heart with a self-righteous moralizing streak and a desperate need to feel good about herself which generally compromises patient care, sometimes severely (and also a woman); Taub is short; Kutner is obnoxious but smart; Thirteen is hot and bats for both teams; Amber is ruthless,
ambitious, endearingly similar to House minus much of the trauma (and also dead); Cuddy is the attractive administrator who probably definitely should have fired House by now but hasn't because she's more of a plot device than a character; and Wilson is an always-reliable-boy-scout-boy-wonder-oncologist with a string of ex-wives.
5: Gregory House, M.D., is a brilliant, insightful, reckless, witty, acid-tongued, irreverent man-child who appears to be more interested in solving fascinating puzzles than saving people's lives. He's a Vicodin-popping, alcohol-swilling, prostitute-hiring hedonist who exhibits
cynicism, selfishness, and complete self-absorption. He also holds people at arms-length with a cranky, sarcastic demeanour and a combination of various insults and infantile jokes, generally having to do with people's lack of intelligence, physical appearance, race-based stereotypes, and sexual innuendos. His self-destructive behaviours are the result of unresolved trauma, betrayals by people he trusted, severe chronic pain, and a complete unwillingness or inability to healthily cope with either or any of the above. This trauma,
chronic pain, fear of trusting people, and desire to avoid ever being hurt again probably also have something to do with his burning anger against a God he vehemently claims isn't real, often risking patient's lives to prove that their altruism, kindness, or religious beliefs are the symptoms of a disease, tumor, or some other malady. He also has very little respect for ethical boundaries or medical protocols and generally can't tell the difference between
a funny prank and a cruel invasion of privacy.
6: Like Sherlock Holmes and John Watson upon whom they're partially based, Greg House and James Wilson are heterosexual life partners with complete ride-together-die-together dedication. Holmes smokes a pipe, and House pops Vicodin like a kid eating Smarties the day after Halloween. Watson and Wilson each serve as competent, loyal, epiphany factories for their brilliant protagonist buddies.
7: All of the main cast are good in their parts, but Hugh Laurie is just brilliant, absolutely brilliant. His portrayal of House is nuanced, always captivating, alternatingly endearing, infuriating, sympathetic, compassionate, callous, brutal, heartbreaking, and generally unforgettable. He's also quite a hit with the ladies if this subreddit is to be believed.
This is my third or fourth time deleting and reposting this comment because attempting to properly restructure paragraphs in a reddit comment after copy-and-pasting text from a Word document almost gave me a hypertension-induced brain aneurysm.
If this summary has been the least bit helpful or humorous to you, please consider
checking out my late mother's fantasy novel for children at the link below: