I use multipacks of the sort of mid-grade brushes from local craft stores and rarely have issues. I don't want to spend $25 each on the kalinsky sable brushes people recommend for high-end painting, and some decent synthetic is fine for me. You only really need about a size 4, size 2, and a size 0 round to cover most things, and maybe a cheap makeup brush for drybrushing if you do that. In fact, the last time I just bought these on Amazon and they've been surprisingly good for how cheap they are.
The key is finding a brush with a sharp tip, a wide enough body to hold a decent amount of paint, and taking care of it.
Um i bought a set of acrylic paints for like 15 bucks.....and some minis. I don't understand why in gods name you would need a 165 dollar paint kit. I'm not going to say that they came our amazing...but the fault is totally with my shitty skills lol
This is what i got. At the very least, this way you find out if its something you are interested in doing with you sinking 200 bucks only to find out its not for you.
As was mentioned you only need primary colors. Every other color you can make as long as you have a gray, a brown and a black. So gray, brown, black, white, blue, yellow, red. That is so much paint that it will honestly dry out before you go through it. Mixing your own colors considering the tiny amounts of paint you need is the way.