Everyone make sure to sign up for the buy invite to increase the demand on this puppy
The Amazon Glow has a privacy shutter. Here is what Amazon says: "Designed with privacy in mind – Instantly disable cameras and microphones on the device by simply closing the privacy shutter." It's on the side of the device.
So, if you wanted, you could close the privacy shutter without unplugging the device. The privacy shutter will block out any malicious activity by anyone.
A Glow can only connect to the Glow App. Your ex has the Glow App, your kid has the Glow device. There's no Alexa connection at all, as I understand it.
One reason your ex might want it plugged in all the time is because the Glow is typically sold with a subscription to Amazon Kids+. He probably would like those kids' activities to be available to your kid. Some require an internet connection for the kid to use.
Another reason might be so he can try to call his kid when he has the time to do so. Otherwise, he has to call you first.
Having said that, it's your house. If you want to unplug it, then unplug it. You are the king of your house.
You can read more about the Glow here: https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Glow-Learning-Bundle/dp/B09DWNZQYM
Amazon also has a confusingly-named Amazon Glow which was just discontinued.
MVIS specs per their website indicate a 15.3 inch diagonal display from a 9.4 inch height. The Amazon unit is higher and it appears that the display module is placed higher to provide the larger display. Height/Display ratios are close but hard to confirm since the Amazon link gives total height. Designs are pretty similar and it appears likely that MVIS is powering it.
In addition to the projector and IR sensor, the Glow has two cameras: one facing the user, the other facing the projection "mat."
Following is from the Technical Specs on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DWNZQYM?ref_=ods_surl_ja
Cameras: 720p HD profile and projector cameras with built-in shutter.
$250 was correct for early adopters, for the product here this seems like a good price and could sell very well in the current environment.
I went ahead and pre-ordered one on Amazon.
Introducing Amazon Glow, Interactive Projector + Video Calling, Designed for Togetherness, with Tangram Bits, Kids 3+ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DWNZQYM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C8G2W59DNE0HCHNXR0RR
According to Amazons page for the Amazon Glow, it has video calling.