Here's a comment I posted a month or two ago about this topic. Basically everything you'd need to wax, sharpen edges, and perform small-medium ptex repairs (think small core shots and scratches on the base of the ski).
Here's a kit I would go with if I were buying a kit. I personally liked buying stuff individually that suited my needs but it's easier to just buy 1 thing:
The reason why I'd go with this kit over the ones you listed is because it comes with an edge sharpener guide + gummy stone. If you're sharpening edges you'd probably want to use a file&guide when starting out.
For waxing (normally use all temp wax unless you're an every week sort of waxer. Could expand out to cold specific wax if the weather calls for it):
Plastic Scrapper:
Iron: buy one at goodwill/a thrift. If you're too good for that then here:
You can also buy a nylon brush and base cleaner/a rag to clean your skis but hot waxing and then scrapping also works for cleaning.
When I'm done waxing my skis I usually go over the skis with a wine cork to make sure everything is even and smoooooth. Not something that you have to do though
For tuning:
Gummy Stone:
Edge sharpener (can choose a different one):
Video so you don't fuck up your edges too much:
You can also get a diamond stone/nail file from the store if you'd like.
Ptex for some base repairs:
Metal Scrapper for Ptex (could use a flat blade if you'd like but don't fuck up):
Lighter: Gas Station/already in your house. After Ptexing a couple of times I fee like a torch lighter would work best here
Video for small ptex repair:
If you have major core shots I would probably go to a local shop and have someone fix it who does that stuff for a living. Really research what you're actually doing before you do it for the first time. You don't want to make things worse. After you get the hang of it it becomes a lot easier and can save you money. Can also do it for your friends on the cheap