I definitely recommend a powered hub over any alternative.
It's possible your devices won't need it, but the problems that happen when you don't have enough power are sometimes hard to diagnose so you're better off just having more power than you need, period.
In my case, powering a Focusrite Scarlett Solo and a Launchkey Mini MK3 was too much. It led to issues where the Launchkey would occasionally stop working. Same with the Scarlett.
Moving to a powered hub solved all my issues.
I didn't get a fancy one... I got this one: https://www.amazon.com/Splitter-Transfer-Charging-Individual-Switches/dp/B07DW646GY
One note --- I do recommend one that has individual power buttons for the ports. Sometimes it's nice to be able to shut off power selectively, if you want. For example, if I don't want my webcam to be on I can make sure there's no chance that it's on by clicking a button so that it has no power.
I also have an external drive connected. It's not a good idea to leave it powered constantly because the computer runs cycles and shortens its life... So I power it up, backup, and power it down.