Honestly I've done freezer spells and they have done wonders, but I was shocked by one book I have that isn't even on baneful magick. It's a protection book and I used it one ritual on my old supervisor that was making my life a living hell.. she was one of the most evil ppl I have ever encountered. She bullied me and others, would set ppl up at work and was trying to get me fired. I didn't do baneful magick at the time because I was still leery of it, but I'm not anymore just to put it out there.. sorry for long rant.. anyway this book Magickal Protection: by Damon Brand has this ritual called magical protection which is done for 33 days.. b4 that you need to do a ritual called sword banishing I find it similar to lbrp.. the instructions are in the book it takes like a minute to do the sword banishing and maybe 5 minutes to do the other ritual... there is a sigil you gaze at and when I would gaze I would think of this woman and tell spirit to please protect me from her energy.. this is not baneful but I find that it reflects/directs thatmagical protection https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UL9VFUO/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_GQ6XX711SXM4HXCBY564) persons own toxic energy right back to them.. when I tell you this worked I was shocked.. she went on disability.. she was evil so I'm sure the nasty energy she was sending to me got directed right back to her.. this ritual uses Angelic powers and these embodiments of Angelic genius spirits. I know this is a Demonolatry group but this ritual works.. bullying triggers me and I hate that ppl feel they have no power.. many ppl think angels are only love and light but they will mess someone up real good if they are protecting you too. I hope this helps and again sorry for long rant.. btw I've used this ritual many times and always works and you will see improvement quickly it doesn't take the full 33 days to see results.. but remember to complete 🙏💕