The r/succulents sidebar has some good info and recommendations. For succs, the main things to be aware of are hitting they 6500k level and 2500 l/m. A good set of T5’s like below that you can daisy chain together in your tiered shelving system is simple and efficient.
Good luck!
Edit: Those blue/purple lights suck for succs and are not strong enough for your main lights. If they are secondary/supplemental lights they will help but most blurples are not enough for succs.
I bought these lights for my shelves. I’d say they’re 8” or so above my plants; some are a little light stressed, while (edit: some, not all) plants with more established roots don’t seem bothered.
i use two kinds, these by kihung for the begonias that prefer lower light (since these arent even technically grow lights, theyre shop lights) and these much brighter ones from monios. the monios are very bright and bring out some fantastic color in rexes/rhizos, and i use them for props and seeds also. however the top of them, the metal strip, tends to get pretty hot and it does generate some heat - it doesnt affect the plants under the light or anything, but the relative temp in the area will likely go up a bit, especially if you put them in an enclosure, like one of those covered greenhouse shelves
I use these, and they seem to work alright. There seems to be a fine-window between over-stressing the plants and etiolating them, so I'm still adjusting to try and figure out the best distance. It's also tricky to get some of the nicer stress colors so far, could be the lack of UV in the lamps.