$1 per breather bag: Heterandria Formosa, AKA least killifish. Grow to about an inch long. Great for nano tanks or walstad tanks. They are live breeders and produce quickly. (About 6 total. Mix of males, females, and unsexed fry.)
$4 for a sandwich baggie: Amazon Frogbit. (None left)
$6 Mixed Moss. About half that Dunkin Donuts cup in the image. Mostly Java Moss (0 left)
$4 for a sandwich baggie: Hornwort (1 bags)
$6 for a sandwich baggie: Dwarf Sag (1 bags of 10+ nodes)
Planaria trap: $5. Same as this one, if you wish to check reviews: https://smile.amazon.com/Planaria-Cherry-Shrimp-Crystal-shrimp/dp/B01DTVQAVO/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=planaria+trap&qid=1628983133&sr=8-5 (sold)
$7 Seachem Excel. Barely used. Will kill nerites/mystery snails. Hence barely unused. Not pictured. More than 75% left.
Plants almost definitely contain snails, mix of bladder and small ramshorn.Will ship on Monday or Tuesday. Shipping $10.
Local or shipped