The Singularity is already here.
As the author of the Singularity e-book, I am already well-known on the Internet as an independent scholar in artificial intelligence (AI). Whether you praise my first fiction or debunk my first fiction, you will become even better known than you already are because lots of people are closely watching the Singularity e-book to see if it sells and to observe how it gets reviewed.
Singularity is actually a combination of AI science-fiction and some pretty serious ideas of how to build AI Minds from someone who has programmed free, open-source AI to think in English, in German and in Russian. For me as an independent scholar, it has been pretty much impossible to break into the academic AI literature, so I have decided to bypass the cloistered walls of Academe by going directly to you, the savvy readers and potential AI coders -- if you know how to program computers -- and many of you do.
Your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is to compose your well-thought-out review off-line and then post it to Amazon. Please do not misspell any words and please do not engage in pointless vituperation or ranting. The whole world of AI, robotics and neuroscience will be watching what you write in your review and may immediately take issue with any discrepancies or deviations from verisimilitude. You will become known as the sage, the maven, the savvy reader who issued an early or first opinion on the AI Singularity e-book. You may receive calls from radio-stations asking you to comment on new developments in science and robotics. Authors of serious books may ask you to provide jacket-blurbs for their forthcoming publications. Wild frenzied packs of fans and futurists may hound you in pursuit of your graciously-given autograph -- which will command high sums on e-Bay. You will be like the famous winner of a nationwide Mega Millions lottery. You will get far more than the fifteen minutes of fame promised to everybody by what's-his-name -- yes, thank you, Andy Warhol. You or your literary agent may find yourself signing permission slips for famous scientists to quote you in their scientific papers, books, or Nobel acceptance speeches. You may be asked to host the Academy Awards and to hand out statuettes of somebody's Uncle Oscar. So remember one thing:
"There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which taken at the flood, leads on to
fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their
life is bound in shallows and in miseries."
The Singularity book does not yet have a cover because I do not know how to make one. After one week of not having a cover, Amazon will probably put up a default cover with title and author in bland colors. But I am not just writing about the Singularity; I can arguably claim to be accelerating or triggering the Singularity, because I have spent years coding Strong AI programs in Forth and JavaScript which think in English, German and Russian. I encourage AI coders and Singularity enthusiasts to describe their own visions of the Singularity in their own e-book submissions. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing accepts simple, monolithic HTML files as the complete upload of an e-book, with or without a graphic cover. Once you upload your story about how you think the Singularity will unfold, the discussion takes off in reviews of your e-book and in more general discussion areas.