You'd want this one which according to nasher (youtube), it isn't really as garbage as it looks if you want to practice like one timers... with a ball. The one you linked is for like indoor knee hockey
I'd probably just make a passer. Loads of DIYs or just fork $80. Coach Jeremy (another YT'r) stuck some foam pads on a 5x5 and that seemed to be efficient. The pads were $8/ea but I can't find someone that carries just that and not the $25 edge kit for their tiles
edit: You want a green biscuit if you're gonna use a tennis court/asphalt. Snipe variant is nice for shooting, doesnt work as well for puck handling. If you shoot on a goal thats metal, it'll dent easily (some may break).
You maaaay have a roller rink nearby. Probably not though if the closest stick puck times are over an hour drive though
The Amazon link is for MINI HOCKEY balls. Thats the kinda hockey you play indoors on your knees with itty bitty sticks. The balls that machine you linked launches are a tad bigger than ping pong balls.
This is the one you want:
Also a ball is NO substitute for puck. Pucks are WAY heavier and handling a ball is a lot easier in comparison. If you are practicing to play with a puck then you NEED to practice with a puck.
You can get some street hockey pucks:
The green biscuit pucks are supposedly the best but I play Street Hockey only with an orange ball and can't handle a puck for shit.