If inflator comes with cigaret lighter plug it designed to not to blow a fuse. There are different models with clamps to connect directly to a battery eg VIAIR 300P Portable Compressor - 30033 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000X90YUO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_3AR8Fb1QYZ0Y1 On my experience I had a broken cable insulation that blew fuse depends on it position.
Thank you so much for the advice (and to everyone else on here too).
Looks like if I’m going with a Vlair this is the one I’d need since my bronco is going to have the Sasquatch package (ie 35” tires):
VIAIR 300P Portable Compressor - 30033 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000X90YUO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7WGEAPHQNEVZ5V6ZW76Y
I know I have a ton of safety/necessary equipment to buy so trying to space things out a bit. I probably won’t have my Bronco until sometime (hopefully) early-ish next year so plenty of time to space out purchases.
I’ve been working on my overlanding kit (all I ever did growing up here was backpacking but I’m getting older so want heavier/more comfort focused gear) so once I get a good tent (thinking a Kodiak) I can focus all my financial attention on off-road gear