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anikeysullivan /r/FigureSkating
1 point
1970-01-19 23:12:35.183 +0000 UTC

I don't know if your open to switching to wax laces or if Amazon delivers where you live, but if you are, I'd highly recommend buying a pair of Derby core wax laces (linked below) since they don't fray easily, are water resistant and most importantly, can hold a knot and won't loosen as you skate. Plus they have different colors as well as black and white if you'd prefer to go that route.

Hope this helps!

Derby Laces CORE Narrow 6mm Waxed Lace for Figure Skates, Roller Skates, Boots, and Regular Shoes https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07RF5VFQZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P9H7SJ2X91SMPHP64XZ7?psc=1