What’s your budget for a light? I have been having good luck with these as budget lights that are readily accessible at some big box stores. GE Lighting PAR38 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants - 32W, Full, Balanced Lighting FOR SEEDS & GREENS https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNT3G7J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_K0tAEbTBA8MNK
GE makes some good grow light bulbs that can be used in any lamp, such as this one.
I just used one from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNT3G7J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_R76CWD9BP0BC1AER0WYY
If you want to downsize here is this one:
https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07NNT3G7J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_gWL9FbXJTGY2F. This would be better in my opinion, but I still don't think it would be enough on its own.
This is a good quality light "bulb" that I tested by GE. You would need extenders because of the bulb's optics. A single one wound work for a five gallon bucket.
At 17 inches above a plant you'll be at 500 umol/m2/sec light intensity which is the lower for cannabis. At 13 inches you would be at 1000 umol/m2/sec which would allow for robust growing.
Gereally these lights off amazon are hot garbage. Better off with an led bulb in a desk lamp, seedlings don't need much and the better bulb could at least get your plants a little bigger before getting sunlight. I grabbed a bigger more expensive light off of alibaba with decent components from kingbrite. I deeply regret spending any money on the style of light OP has. Heat pads did wonders for my superhot germination rates though.
I use GE Grow lights. The light is nice and bright and I have several maid of Orleans jasmine plants growing underneath them. The light is a warm light but not too warm. The down sides are, the bulb is heavy and wide so make sure you have a light fixture that can handle it. Also, for one bulb, it is pretty expensive. Here is the link The one for seeds and greens is the one I use since its a full spectrum light.
I used these. Safer & Similar to your posting. Not sure if what I linked is an option in UK